Privacy Policy

To explain how Immediate Connect manages users privacy, we have created a privacy policy that details all of the information you need to know.

On the Immediate Connect website, which is accessible from the URL of, we place a high priority on maintaining the privacy of our users. To explain how Immediate Connect manages users’ privacy, we have created a Privacy Policy that details all of the information you need to know in an in-depth but simple-to-follow method when it comes to the data that we collect and the ways in which we use it.

In the event that you have any questions, comments, or remarks regarding this Privacy Policy, you are welcome to reach out to us via the contact page on the Immediate Connect website.

The following Privacy Policy only applies to the activities we carry out online. It only applies to our website users and the information they share or collect via the Immediate Connect website.

Consenting to This Privacy Policy

By using the Immediate Connect website, you now give your informed consent to our Privacy Policy and agree to adhere to its terms. If you do not agree, we suggest you stop using the Immediate Connect website from this point.


To ensure you understand what conditions you are agreeing to, we have provided a glossary with the particular legal terms used throughout this document that are related to data protection and handling.

What Information Does Immediate Connect Collect?

Whenever we ask you to provide personal details or information, we will always endeavour to clearly outline the reasons why you are being asked to provide it at the very moment you are being asked to do so.

The personal information that you are asked to provide, and the reasons why you are asked to provide it, will be made clear to you at the point we ask you to provide your personal information.

Be aware that while Immediate Connect is the Data Controller for this website, it is not the Data Processor. Instead, your data is sent for processing to a third-party brokerage when you register an account with us. The broker automatically assigned to you by our platform becomes the Data Processor and is tasked with looking after and processing your data from that point on.

If you have any questions or concerns about the processing of your Personal Data, please turn to your assigned broker.

How Does Immediate Connect Use Your Info?

From enabling us to flawlessly communicate with you when you need it to improving your experience on the website drastically, there is a wide range of ways that Immediate Connect utilises the information you share with us. Here are some of the main ways that we use your Personal Data:

The Use of Cookies on Immediate Connect

Similar to almost any other modern website, Immediate Connect employs the use of cookies. This is a form of online technology that stores data on the users who visit the website. Then, we use this data to create an improved, customised online experience for our users based on what they enjoy most and want to see more of, as well as what they want to see less of.

Users always have the option to opt out of using cookies by disabling their functionality in the setting of their browsers. However, opting out can drastically reduce the experience of using our website and may make some sections of it inaccessible to you.

Please refer to our Cookie Policy for more details on the types of cookies used and their purpose.


Across the Immediate Connect website, we may feature hyperlinks, affiliate links, or advertisements from relevant third-party websites. It is important to note that this Immediate Connect Privacy Policy does not apply to third-party advertisers or websites featured on our site.

Therefore, we advise you to read the respective privacy policies of the featured third party for more specific information on how said third-party website operates and uses your data. Their Privacy Policy will likely include in-depth details about their privacy practices and instructions about how to opt out of things such as cookies.

Storing Personal Data

Immediate Connect does not keep any of the Personal Data of its users on its servers. All such data collected is sent to a third-party broker after account registration. The brokerage can keep and process your data for as long as their services require, in accordance with that respective company’s Privacy Policy, the GDPR, and any other data protection legislation that may apply.

Safeguarding User Data

The Immediate Connect website uses state-of-the-art security measures to ensure the data our clients share with us is safe. We do not divulge personal information about our customers to unauthorised third parties.

Moreover, all Immediate Connect employees are under strict non-disclosure agreements and will not share your information. Our work process is organised in a way to allow your Personal Data to be exposed only to the minimum number of people required for the fulfilment of our services.

Note that Immediate Connect may receive requests from third parties to access your Personal Data. We shall use the utmost care when researching the validity of any such requests to determine whether Immediate Connect is legally required to respect the request and share your data or if your data protection rights outweigh the request for access.

We prioritise the privacy of our users first and foremost. However, if the request is legitimate and comes from a government body or a similar authority, such as the court, the police, and so forth, and our cooperation is mandatory by law, Immediate Connect will have to meet its legal obligations and comply.

In either case, we shall reach out to you to inform you of any such requests. If the sharing of your data relies on your consent, we shall request it in a timely manner before sharing any of your Personal Data.

Data Sharing

Aside from the cases outlined above, additional sharing of Personal Data may be possible if it is to meet the needs of our business, particularly the technical requirements of operating a website. Hosting companies and other third parties on whom Immediate Connect relies for the operation of its site may be legally granted access to some of your data on technical grounds, provided data protection laws require it.

Any and all sharing of Personal Data will be performed in accordance with the GDPR and other applicable privacy legislation.

General Data Protection Rights (GDPR)

Every EU citizen online is afforded access to General Data Protection Regulations, often referred to as GDPR. These regulations give you the rights to the following:

Additionally, all Immediate Connect users have the right to withdraw their consent to our collection of their data in situations where such collection is consent-dependent. Clients can also contest the grounds for data collection out of legitimate interest we have presented if they believe their data protection rights outweigh the reasons Immediate Connect has presented for said data collection.

In the event that you wish to exercise any of your General Data Protection Rights (GDPR), you are welcome to reach out to us via the contact page of the Immediate Connect website. We will try our best to respond to you promptly. But be aware that there may be a slower response time during busy periods of high traffic.

Changes to This Policy

This Privacy Policy, along with any other content on Immediate Connect, is subject to change. We reserve the right to make amendments to all of our website content without prior notice. They become valid the next time you access this website.

The user is responsible for staying current with the latest versions of all of our policies. The continued use of our website will be interpreted as consent to all of the changes made.